


美高梅mgm集团 (美高梅mgm集团) is committed to maintaining an environment founded on care, 礼貌, 和尊重. The institution works to provide a learning and working environment that is free from harassment, 歧视, 或其他形式的不当性行为. 美高梅mgm集团 administration and staff are further committed to ensuring all parties are afforded the protections of due process in reviewing complaints of sexual misconduct under 第九条 regulations and policies. You can find 美高梅mgm集团’s 第九条 policy here: Sexual Harassment, Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and 第九条 Policy (pdf).


第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972 (第九条) prohibits 歧视 based on sex in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. 第九条 states “No person in the United States shall, 以性别为基础, 被排除在…之外, 被剥夺…的利益, or be subjected to 歧视 under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance[.]” All federal agencies that provide grants of financial assistance are required to enforce 第九条’s non歧视 mandate.

Examples of the types of 歧视 that are covered under 第九条 include sexual harassment; the failure to provide equal athletic opportunity; sex-based 歧视 in a school’s science, 技术, 工程, and math (STEM) courses and programs; and 歧视 based on pregnancy.


Reporting Unlawful Discrimination, Harassment or Retaliation

Unlawful discriminatory behaviors under 第九条 include, but are not limited to:

  • 性骚扰(不受欢迎的性侵犯), requests for sexual favors and other 口头 or physical conduct of a sexual nature);
  • 不当性行为(强奸), 性侵犯, 性电池, sexual exploitation and other forms of non-consensual sexual activity);
  • 跟踪(反复跟踪), 骚扰, 威胁, 或者恐吓,包括通过电话, 电子邮件, 电子通讯, 或者社交媒体;)
  • 约会暴力(包括情感暴力), 口头, and economic abuse without the presence of physical abuse); and
  • 报复(不利就业), 学术, or other actions against anyone reporting or participating in an investigation of 第九条 allegations).

学生和员工都可以举报骚扰, 歧视, and retaliation with the appropriate 第九条 Coordinator* (listed under 重要的第九条文件 below). 美高梅mgm集团 prohibits retaliation against individuals who make a report or who participate in investigations of unlawful 歧视 or harassment. Any attempt to harass or intimidate individuals who participated in an investigation constitutes a violation of College policy and could result in disciplinary action.


一旦你的报告提交, the designated 第九条 Coordinator will respond to your submission within five (5) days of receipt:

  • 与投诉人联系.e., the alleged victim (if that person can be identified);
  • Offer the Complainant support (counseling services, health check-up, etc)
  • 解释提交正式投诉的程序;
  • 解释整个第九条的过程
  • Explain that support services are available with or without a formal complaint;
  • 联系 the Respondent, who must also be offered support services
  • Consider the Complainant’s and the Respondent’s wishes with regard to support services;
  • If support services are refused by the Complainant or Respondent, the 第九条 Coordinator must document why services were not provided.

收到正式投诉后, 第九条协调员将, 收到后十五(15)天内:

  • Send written notice to both parties (complainants and respondents) of the allegations;
  • Assign an Investigator to investigate the allegations

The 第九条 Coordinator may initiate the complaint process if s/he believes a non-deliberately indifferent response to the allegations requires an investigation. 注意: 如果诉讼违背了投诉人的意愿, 第九条协调员应该深思熟虑地这样做, 不会自动, and written documentation of the decision to proceed or not to proceed should be generated and retained



Dr. 安东尼奥·乔丹
学生主任,公平,保留 & 成功
Student Conduct Officer / 第九条 Coordinator – 学生


